Thursday, January 8, 2015

Vision 78: Mirror

INFP thought feelings dreamer

Today I’m feeling pretty good. I’ve been reading The Essential Law of Attraction Collection that I’ve gotten for Christmas and it’s been one of the best books I’ve owned in many years.

I’ve been seeing myself like a clear mirror since starting the 30 day process and my new focus on relaxing into my life more. I’m seeing that, I do have two modes of operation. The first one is akin to a chicken with its head cut off, that is running amuck trying to throw everything in its proper place. I’m disconnected, away from my true source. I often feel lost as if I’m out at sea, trying to peddle my way to the next and “perfect” island where I’ll find my tribe and purpose. Yet, when I do wash ashore I always feel that something is missing, that it’s not good enough and set off to sea again to fix what is broken.

On the other side of the coin, as if it was my own shadow I have a much calmer more connected self. I’m aligned to who I am, what I see is perfect. There is no need to fix anything because I know that through my own power of attraction there is nothing that can come my way without myself inviting it in. I’m sure of myself and I have fun in life. I see things as an opportunity to have more fun. I’m creative and see myself as the artist that I really am and fulfill that prophecy. I know exactly what and how it looks but seldom to control it because I know it will come out way better than I expect if I just allow it into my experience.

That reflection of self, that clear picture of who I am and who I’m being moment by moment is a huge wake up call. The person I thought I was, is just the person I assumed I needed to be, because I saw my world as broken in a lot of ways. I saw myself as defective so I had to fix myself in a lot of ways. I thought of this “lesson” as a means for growth, but what I was really doing was assuming that I was less than perfect and thus unworthy or unable to have, do or be who I wanted to be.

When I looked in the mirror, I saw so much sadness, anger, hate, jealousy and an outward cry for help. For someone to just give me a kind look and to say that I was good enough. That my life was good enough, and that I can stop trying so hard. That if I can just let go of my insecurities and focus on what I loved, then I’ll get that in return. I don’t have to struggle or suffer anymore… For anything…

I’m already worthy.

I feel better now, I’m not in so much pain though I do have times where I’m indeed hurting. But I don’t look in the mirror and see such a sad soul anymore. I see something so much greater, bigger, more attractive and someone so much more loving towards myself than I could ever imagined for myself.

And that feels good…

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