Sunday, January 19, 2014

Vision 8: Drawn in the World of Stories

writing spiritual life purpose

It’s been a long time since I last blogged and I sure do miss it. I feel that more and more I’m being sucked into the world of words, writing, books, expression through words and the life of being a writer. I don’t know what it is, but I’m really enjoying myself getting even more in touch with my lunar feminine side.

There is just something about that dark and rather mysterious space that really draws me in. It’s almost like an addiction. Then again, I’m not a big fan of the light or being “out there” in reality (though I love praise and appreciation for what I do). I like being behind the scenes and in dark places. I just feel at home in that kind of environment even though I resonate with solar masculine energy, but maybe that is why I’m rather sensitive to the light… I already have more than enough in me and to burn off after 2013 when I focused on that solar energy than my lunar energy. Anyway…

I feel that I’m being called to this true self expressive space through words, typing, communication, internal worlds, the heart and stories.

typewriter graphic magic picture

 Yes… Stories have been a huge thing for me this week. In the concept of changing my own personal story, I felt that tug in my heart that lets me know “I really like this.” It’s like I’m a child seeing my favorite toy for the very first time again. It’s just that enchanting feeling of being drawn into something that seems bigger than yourself but feels so familiar. I have no idea how I missed this sudden sign post to my heart, but I know I’ve gotten subtle whispers and signs that pointed me there before.

I didn’t think it had to do with anything bigger than just a fun hobby or even skills I needed to develop. But now I see this resonance to write has a much bigger purpose and role than I could ever expect; I still don’t know what that is but I trust that I am going in the right direction. Something in me says that I am and I’ve been seeing my life path number “37” (37/10 to be exact) a whole lot more in the past few days.

When I saw it on my digital clock this morning I wanted to know what it meant when suddenly the words “you’re in the right path” came into my consciousness. It happened so fast that I spoke the words before I knew it was clear intuitive guidance; it made me feel so good to know that life is finally flowing in the right direction again when things wasn’t like that just a few short weeks before.

What also grabbed my attention towards the world of typing and words was the sudden dysfunction of my Microsoft Word 2003. For some odd reason I couldn’t save any new documents because of a weird message saying I didn’t have enough disk space, when in fact I have plenty! Once the errors continued the next day I knew it wasn’t just some crazy one time deal, I knew the universe was trying to push me somewhere. Before I complied, I tried to look up some possible solutions but nothing substantial came up. I knew that if I start this sudden “fight” to keep things the way they were, I wasn’t going to be happy; so I decided to change and switch to the Microsoft Word 2010 Starter that I had.

Even though it felt strange and even wrong to use this highly upgraded version of a program I already know so well; I knew that this is what I needed. After using it, learning its interface and knowing that I didn’t have to pay to use its basic features, I was sold. Today I’m using it and it feels quite natural and I love it.

Imagine if I fought this change... I would be quite upset still and flustered about my life being unfair and cruel, when in fact I was being “guided” in the right direction!

Sometimes, you just have to go along with the story baby…

life path angel reading

Want to know what the universe is possibly showing you about your life path and purpose? You can order the Life Purpose Spread to uncover the messages and meanings about your life and what you signed up to do before you were born to help you align to your higher purpose!
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