Monday, January 20, 2014

Vision 9: The End of Wallflower Girl?

girl wallflower introvert change

Something amazing yet so subtle came to me this morning… That maybe where I’m being guided to and doing currently is “changing my personal story.” I didn’t quite understand it at first, at least on a bigger picture level and I still don’t have that type of perception of that idea. I do know that right now I’m currently standing in a place where I want to know how I can do this for others… How I can rewrite people’s personal stories…

This doesn’t come from a place where I’m trying to take a concept and control it like I always do, but accepting this gift and asking how can I make it grow. Because I do love the concept, in fact I was thinking about it a whole lot this week. This morning before I made breakfast, all I could do was daydream, imagine and dig deeper into this subtle feeling of helping other people rewrite their own stories.

glitter books sparkle spiritual

 Honestly, it was coming to the point of “overthinking it” and I felt that slight resistant feeling of “I want to control this,” but it was my way of making sure if this was the path for me. I didn’t decide that I wanted to rewrite people’s stories, to help change who they think they are, but the universe put me on the path of such and I very much enjoy it.

I just don’t want to repeat history of trying to make a small idea into a whole journey of trying to be successful. It just doesn’t work for me and I know that now. I just want to know and be guided to what is best for me, because so far trusting the universe and myself to bring about the things I want has been working. I’m a lot happier with myself and things are starting to really flow and manifest as proof that I can control my life without “controlling it.” So why do I want to doubt this too? Why do I want to think this is just me wanting to control life and trying to fill voids of love and appreciation?

 This, my friends, is my old story

The wallflower girl that feels she had to earn the right of having the things she want because she isn’t outgoing enough, popular enough, smart or pretty enough and all that bullshit. The girl that someone else have to save because she has no idea how to make life work for her, so she can be the princess at the end of the story. Where she accepted living not getting what she wanted (or died trying) if not had been this sudden outside force.

I still can’t fully believe that I’m changing that story, so when an opportunity like this that can bring about an even bigger change in my life and personal story my instinct is to run, overthink it and try to sabotage it through my need to control.

I see now that this IS the right thing for me to do, and I just have to get up and take the first step, but my fears of change and really ending the story of “poor me” is indeed… Challenging… What is a girl to do?

Well, just do it, trust and be happy because indeed I am pleased about this. It’s just my fears are coloring this opportunity so that I can ruin yet another chance to be the princess at the end of my story.

So I ask Universe, what is the next step? What is the next step to make this into a reality while I’m changing so much of my life already? I’m accepting this and won’t run from it because I’m no longer the poor wallflower girl that never gets what she wants. I’m now changing that to the quirky girl that does get whatever she wants, that is full of love and the world loves her back. So as this is my story, why would I turn down such an awesome idea and opportunity?

I’m ready for it Universe, angels, unicorns and fairies, guide me and I will follow…

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